Moving on in life after paying off debts

There is nothing like the relief we feel when a problem is resolved, and we have choices about our future.

The Debtfix Crew has seen it often and they know people do move on when they get debt under control. They love nothing more than seeing a person turn their life around and move on to a more positive future – all because of a debt solution.

Sharing debt problems can improve confidence and self-esteem

Debt and money problems continue to be taboo subjects for so many people. Once people share their money worries with a Debtfix Crew member their load is immediately lightened.

Self-esteem can take a hit when you feel like you ‘should have known better’ but money problems are often the result of several other challenges.

The Crew knows people may be dealing with illness, addiction, dysfunctional relationships and job losses, and Debtfix have good networks to provide wrap-around support. Sometimes debt problems are caused by high rent, low income and no budget, and people can feel overwhelmed when they work hard but can’t make ends meet.

Once you have a way out of debt that works for you and your whānau, you’ll regain control of your finances, and you’ll get a confidence boost.

Leave debt problems in the past

There are numerous solutions to sort out debt problems and when a debt plan is in action you should give yourself a pat on the back. There is a temptation to feel guilt, shame or whakamā and that’s OK, for a little while.

How about focussing on the positives and acknowledging that you owned the problem and did something about it? Go you!

Forgive yourself and think about what you will do right in the future, rather than dwelling on what you did wrong in the past. You can’t change what happened yesterday, but you can change what is happening right now and what happens tomorrow.

What are your goals now you have control of your money?

The Debtfix Crew is legendary for planning budgets that include all those little incidentals like; Christmas presents, the kids’ sports club fees or replacing the washing machine.

When your money isn’t being sucked away by high interest rates and late payment penalties, you can save a few bucks every payday and stop borrowing to buy. You are allowed to aspire to own a home, go on holiday, eat healthy food or achieve whatever is important to you, but it was unattainable in the past due to debt.

Learn from your debt mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes. It’s how we learn from them that is important.

If you’re in a financial pickle and don’t know what you’re doing wrong get advice and support. There are New Zealand-wide free budgeting services and Money Talks will help you find help now.

If you’re ready to move on from problem debt, Debtfix will throw you a life ring and set you on a steady course towards the future you want.

Contact the Crew now.


Paying off your student loan


People from all walks of life have debt problems