Useful links
You are definitely not alone if you are struggling with debt. Not only are there thousands of New Zealanders who are in a similar boat, there are plenty of organisations with information that can help you.
Budgeting, Financial Advice and Support Services
Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd NZ is a charitable non-government organisation that was established to address the critical, contemporary issues facing women, girls and families.
Sorted is a free service powered by Te Ara Ahunga Ora (Retirement Commission), the government-funded, independent agency dedicated to helping New Zealanders get ahead financially. A one-stop shops for all about money and financial matters in New Zealand.
MoneyTalks is a free helpline available to provide free financial and budgeting advice to individuals, family and whānau. With a financial mentor you can create a plan to get out of debt, save money and start building a future for you and your family. To find a financial mentor near you, visit this website to search by location.
New Zealand's home of all things money. Over 500+ ways to save money and get better products, from banking to insurance, investing, KiwiSaver and more.
Ngā Tāngata Microfinance
Ngā Tāngata no interest loans are a pathway to eliminate high interest debt and to get out of the debt cycle.
National Debt Helpline (Australia)
Australia’s voluntary sector equivalent to Debtfix, run by the Financial Counselling Association of Australia.
Way Forward (Australia)
Way Forward is a small not for-profit-organisation. We have a dedicated team of client service managers, who have typically worked for financial institutions and dealt extensively with creditors by negotiating better outcomes for clients. Their skills and insights give them the best possible experience to do the work they are doing for Way Forward.
Voluntary Organisations
Age Concern
Age Concern is a charitable organisation dedicated solely to people over 65 that promotes dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people's needs.
Citizens Advice Bureau
The aims of Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand are to ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities, or of the services available, or through an inability to express their needs effectively, and to exert a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally.
0800 367 222
A not-for-profit and not funded by government, set up to investigate issues, test products and campaign to get laws changed to benefit consumers.
Gender Equality NZ
Fighting for gender equality for all New Zealanders to have the freedom and opportunity to determine their own future. Discrimination can be more subtle than it once was. We see it in our everyday interactions with gender inequality being revealed in attitudes and assumptions. For some, gender inequality is more obvious. For all of us, the job is not done.
Government Services
Work and Income (Te Hiranga Tangata)
Government agency responsible for helping people financially if you're not working or on a low income, supporting you into work and helping you find housing.
Financial Service Providers Register
A register of Authorised and Registered Financial Providers.
Commerce Commission
Government agency to enforce competition, fair trading and consumer credit contracts laws.
Inland Revenue
The department of Inland Revenue, responsible for collecting taxes and other debts due to government, including student loans, maintenance orders and other taxpayer obligations. There is a dedicated section dealing with the management of debt due to the Inland Revenue.
Insolvency & Trustee Service
The Insolvency and Trustee Service (ITS) is a business unit of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. ITS is also called the Official Assignee’s Office.
The Official Assignee is appointed under the State Sector Act 1988 to administer the Insolvency Act 2006, the insolvency provisions of the Companies Act 1993 and the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009. The Official Assignee administers all bankruptcies, No Asset Procedures, Debt Repayment Orders and some liquidations.
Dispute Services
Banking Ombudsman Scheme
They are a free and independent dispute resolution service. They look into complaints by customers about their banks. Sometimes they make formal decisions, but often they facilitate outcomes agreeable to the customer and the bank before that. They also help in other ways, such as offering information and guidance on banking matters.
0800 805 950
Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO)
A free and independent service that resolves complaints about insurance and financial services.
Utilities Disputes
Utilities Disputes (formerly The Office of the Electricity and Gas Complaints Commissioner, or EGCC) provides a free and independent dispute resolution service for electricity, gas, and water complaints, and disputes about access to shared property for fibre installations.
0800 223 340
Financial Dispute Resolution Service
This is a service that helps resolve complaints between customers and their financial service providers.
NZ Dispute Resolution Centre
An independent, nationwide provider of private commercial dispute resolution and conflict management services.
Fairway Resolution
An independent organisation that provides dispute resolution services, of which the FDRS is responsible for dealing with financial disputes.
Financial Service Complaints Limited
This is an independent external dispute resolution scheme that aims to resolve complaints between complainants and participants. It is a Financial Ombudsman Service, and free of charge for complainants. The scheme’s costs are met by the participants.
Professional Bodies
Restructuring, Insolvency & Turnaround Association of New Zealand
RITANZ is a stand-alone incorporated society operating as an independent self-regulatory body which was launched at the start of 2015. It operates as the professional body for insolvency practitioners and for those working in the field of business reconstruction and turnaround, and corporate and personal insolvency in New Zealand.
Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand
CA ANZ is the primary professional accounting body in Australia and New Zealand, with many of its members operating in the field of insolvency and restructuring, requiring its members to comply with stringent Codes of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
Counselling Services
The Samaritans are a charity who provide a non-judgemental ear to listen to you. They are available for 24/7 and can provide you with the emotional support you need, no matter what your circumstances.
0800 726 666
This service is available for any young person in New Zealand, or anyone who is supporting a young person. They are happy to chat with parents, grandparents, friends, whānau, teachers, coaches and more. Being supported as the support person is incredibly important.
0800 376 633
Mental Health Foundation
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charity that works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.
Lifeline Aotearoa’s helpline and textline provides 24/7, confidential support from qualified counsellors and trained volunteers.
0800 543 354
Problem Gambling Foundation
Gambling Helpline is a 24 hour, freephone helpline for those worried about gambling or the gambling of others, with a dedicated Debt Helpline for those suffering financial hardship through gambling.
0800 664 262
Alcohol Drug Helpline
The Alcohol Drug Helpline provides friendly, non-judgemental, professional help and advice. If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking or drug taking they can assist with information, insight and support.
0800 787 797