Student Loans
For many people, a student loan is the difference between being able to go to university or college and not, with repayment based on percentage deductions when you start working.
One of the biggest ways to increase your student debt though, is by heading off overseas on an OE, and ignoring the growing debt issue at home (with interest accruing as soon as you leave the country).
Paying back a student loan can become unrealistic or impossible, and even those that try to pay back the debt struggle to keep on top of it because of the penalties and interest which make the debt grow out of control very quickly.
Other than entering into an instalment arrangement with the Inland Revenue, ideally with a proportion of your debt written off, there are only two ways that you can clear student loans, one is by going bankrupt and two, is by getting agreement of your creditors to enter into a Creditors Proposal. All other forms of insolvency exclude student loans debt.
Minimising your student loan debt
Studying is expensive and what students don’t think about when they start borrowing for either course fees or living expenses, is that the debt has to be repaid at some future date. That extra beer or wine with your friends may not appear to be causing harm to you, but $10 spent now, might in reality cost you $20 to pay back years down the line.
Caution about taking on debt in any situation is a pre-requisite but the pressures of modern living make it very difficult to not have that new iPhone, or to skip out on that desert island escape. But even if you are somewhat frivolous during your student years, you can plan your way out of the debt burden if you start as soon as you enter the workforce, and most importantly if you have headed off overseas, when the interest really starts to bite. Ideally defer leaving the country until after you have paid off your loan. A few years of hard work early could save you thousands of dollars in interest.
Have a look at types of debt: